Wilder Rock House
The Rock House is another one of the Wilder homes which they lived in for eight years.
This is the sign at the entrance.
A view of the Wilder's Rock House.
The Rock House was a gift from Rose and they lived in it for eight years, while Rose lived in the white house, Rocky Ridge. Rose finally moved to Connecticut and Laura and Almanzo (feeling homesick) moved back into their old house. It is a beautifully done house that had all the modern things for the time. They even in the back, on both sides, have a place for the water that runs off the roof through the gutters then filtered through coal into a cistern which is the water they used for the wash or dishes. There is a garage that was built at the same time as the house. Rose taught both her parents how to drive in 1923 after she presented them with a new 1923 blue Buick as a gift. They named the car Isabelle. |

Notice the rock wall and steps in front of the house. It used to be under many years accumulation of sod and dirt. A historian was reading about the house and it mentioned the wall and the LIW society instructed the grounds crew to look for it and they found and restored it. |

In this view you can see how the rock wall stretches across the property.
Pepin & Mansfield photos and
descriptions are copyright 1999 Jeff and used with his permission. |
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